Monday, September 28, 2009

How can you effectively market yourself through Linkedin?

How can you effectively market yourself through Linkedin? Check out
the Social Media Coach blog:

Posted via email from Social Media Coach's posterous

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Exploring ""

Might be a great tool to manage a multitude of social media sites... stay tuned!

Posted via email from Social Media Coach's posterous

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How can I ensure my website appears on the first page of a Google search?

Here are 4 tips I personally followed to transform my website from invisible to appearing on the first page of Google search results.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Does your Linkedin profile grab people's attention?

I find that the most under-utilized component of the Linked In user profile seems to be the "Professional Headline".

This field defaults to the job title of your most recent role. However, this headline, if used effectively, can really set you apart. When reviewing a list of group members or conducting a search for people, it is ultimately your name and professional headline that will appear.

Consider your objectives for participating in Linked In. Are you here to identify potential clients? Potential business partnerships? Identify and recruit potential employees? Network for future job opportunities?

If your answer was "yes" to any of those questions then ask yourself what you are doing to stand out from the crowd? If your headline isn't engaging then what would motivate someone to look further into your profile?

I learned very quickly when I joined Linked In that there are A LOT of professionals who do what I do. That could be intimidating. Or, it could be a challenge!

As I searched through the members of London Linked I noticed that there are a lot of people who are identified by their job titles. Unfortunately, a job title is often ambiguous at best. Titles are defined by organizations and often have very little meaning outside of the company (or industry).

There are also many people who identify themselves as "Owner" or "Director" or "President". These titles all reflect individuals who have obviously worked very hard to achieve success. However, you have to ask yourself… what does that headline actually mean to others in Linked In?

When individuals view your profile they will constantly be asking themselves: "What's in it for me?" To indicate that you own a company doesn't help me understand what your company does or how your company can benefit me.

When establishing a headline try to be action-oriented and clearly communicate why other's should take a closer look at your profile. When you stand out from the crowd with an engaging and memorable headline you can ensure that you are on your way to maximizing your visibility and opportunities within Linked In.

I would be remiss if I didn't highlight a few Professional Headlines in London Linked that I think standout from the crowd:

- "Boomer Wealth Coach"
- "Increasing your bottom-line and customer retention"
- "Battle-hardened entrepreneur"

There are, of course, many others - but these are three solid examples of either memorable and/or meaningful headlines. Evaluate your professional headline and see if you are making the most out of this marketing tool.
